Archaeological Museum of Eleusis
Marble sarcophagus of Roman Times (2nd century A.D.) with a scene of the hunting of the Calydonian Boar on the front. Also on display are two sizeable marble torches, some composite capitals from the Lesser Propylaea and some marble funeral vases.
Room I
Protoattic amphora (650 B.C.) with a scene of the blinding of Polyphemos on its neck and the legend of Perseas and Medusa on the body. The ?Fleeing Kore? (early 5th century B.C.), from the decoration of the ?Sacred House?. The decree relief of Rheitoi (421 B.C.).
Room II
Headless statue of the goddess Demeter, original work of the late 5th century B.C., from the workshop of the sculptor Agorakritos. Votive reliefs depicting Triptolemos? mission to spread knowledge of how to cultivate the earth.
Room III
Headless statue of Asklepios, original work of the 4th century B.C. Archaistic statue of a Kore, originally holding a bowl, now lost, containing purification water. Statuette of Poseidon, Roman copy of a work by Lysippos.
Room IV
In the centre of the room are two plaster models depicting the sanctuary in the 6th century B.C. (below) and in the Roman Period (above). Two marble statues of Roman emperors and a statue of Antinoos, a favorite of Hadrian.
Room V
The oversize statue of a cistophorus Kore, in the middle of the room, was one of two Caryatids that supported the roof of the Lesser Propylaea (1st century B.C.).
Room VI
The showcases in this room contain pottery and other small finds from the sanctuary and the cemeteries of ancient Eleusis. All phases of the life of the site are represented, from Prehistoric Times to the late Roman Period. In case 21 there are clay and stone kernoi, characteristic utensils of the Eleusinian cults.