Main room of the Museum on the second floor, where the poet's desk is to be seen.
Fhe National poet of Greece, Dionysios Solomos, lived for the greater part of his life and to the day of his death (1798-1857) ao the island of Corfu, where he also wrote the major and the most important part of his work, including the "Free Besieged". The house were he lived, wrote and died was destroyed by the World War II bombings, but was later restored and still stands today. In this house, the Society for Corfiot Studies founded and operates a Solomos museum and a Centre for Studies on Solomos. In it preserved the poet's desk and a small autograph. There is also on display a collection of phtographs related to the places, the people and the events of Solomo's life, work and period, an important collection of Solomo's books, which is constantly being enriched and which includes all the old editions of the "Hymn to Freedom", as well as a series of portaits of the poet and of members of the so-called Solomos school.