The summit of the small hill (alt. 35 m) is surrounded by a trapezoidal wall dating to the 2nd half of the 4th c. BC, built of isodomic masonry; it has ten rectangular towers and recesses, and the perimeter is 750 m in length and has an area of 34,000 m. This was the Acropolis of the ancient "city of Dodoneans", as it is called in an oracular inscription, where the inhabitants of the surrounding region took refuge when threatened by enemy attack. The enceinte had two main gates guarded by two towers on the northeast and southwest sides, and a small gate on the south. Inside there are house foundations and a rectangular cistern hewn out of the rock, which supplied water to the inhabitants in times of siege. It has two pillars supporting a stone architrave to carry the roof of the cistern.
Mythological / Historic Persons
Dakaris Sotitris