From antiquity to the late Byzantine period a key element of daily life were the public baths, where residents not only served their cleanliness and hygiene needs, but also developed social contacts and enjoyed moments of entertainment.

The bath complex in Paramythia, probably built in the late Byzantine or the early Ottoman period (15th cent.), follows the architectural tradition of Greco-Roman and Byzantine times. A characteristic feature of these baths is the underground spaces with clay stanchions (hypocausts), inside which circulated hot air coming from an external hearth (praefurnium). Over hypocausts were the main rooms of the bath, which consisted of hot, tepid and cold section.

The bath in Paramythia consists of three main and three auxiliary rooms and a cistern, which were roofed with domes and arches. On the north side, there was the vestiary with a marble hexagon perirrhanterion (fountain) at its center. An arched door leaded from the vestiary to the vestibule of the tepid section (tepidarium) of the bath, under the marble floor of which there were rectangular hypocausts. Hypocausts existed also under the adjacent to the south warm section (caldarium) of the bath. The heating came from an external hearth through clay pipes that channeled hot air behind the walls and under the floors. On the east side of the building there was the cold section (frigidarium) of the bath, where the customer ended his bath with perfusion with cold water. At the SE corner, there was a small tank which provided water to the bath complex.
Kassiani Lazari, Archaeologist