The house of Abdurahman, known as the Karipeio, after the name of its most recent owner, Alexandros Karipis, is at the southwest end of the old settlement of the Upper Town, at the junction of Olympiados, Kleious and F. Dragoumi streets. During the ottoman period, this formed part of the muslim quarter of Tarakci.
We have no accurate information about the date of the building. From the register which was compiled as part of the record of Muslim-owned property, we learn that it was inhabited in 1915, and was owned at that date by one Abdurahman, son of Suleyman. The three-story building has a rectangular floor plan which is divided crossways. A notable element of the interior is the extensive murals, which exhibit Art Nouveau influences. Externally, the design is Eclectic. Successive horizontal friezes and a composite cornice are combined with speudo-pilasters at the outside corners and at the projecting points of the arms of the cross in the floor plan. Between them are openings with perimetric ornamentation in relief, while an additional frieze accentuates the bottom zone.
The courtyard space is bouned by an enclosure wall, with an entrance built to look like a portal with Neoclassical features. On the east side of the wall an addtion was built in 1923.
The building is in very good condition due to the conservation and restoration carried out during the 1990's. Between 1999 and 2003, the decorative murals were uncovered and restored.