Administrative Information

Alistrati (Prefecture of Seres)

  Suggestive Bibliography
Κονταξή Χρ., Γιαννόπουλος Β., Καζνέση Α., Το σπήλαιο του «Ορφέα» Αλιστράτης Σερρών και η ευρύτερη περιοχή, ΑΕΜΘ 18 (2006) 2009, 57-62
See also
Other monuments and museums in the same prefecture
Angista Mansion
Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis
Cave at Alistrati
Church of Agios Nicholaos at Eleonas
Monastery of Timios Prodromos
Mosque of Mehmet Bey at Serres
Museum of the Old Cathedral at Serres
Museum Zintzirli Tzami of Serres
Old Cathedral of Serres
Rockshelter at Katarachtes (Fragma)