Administrative Information

Official Unit:
Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens

D. Areopagitou pedestrian St., Athens (Prefecture of Attiki)

  Suggestive Bibliography
Βερσάκης Φ., Το θέατρον του Ηρώδου, ΑΕ 1912, σσ. 163-182
Bieber M., The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton 1961
Τραυλός Ι., Πολεοδομική εξέλιξις των Αθηνών, Αθήνα 1961 (1)/1993 (2)
Travlos I., Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, London 1971, pp. 378-385
See also
Other monuments and museums in the same prefecture
Academy of Athens
Acropolis fortification wall
Acropolis Museum
Ancient Agora Museum-Stoa of Attalos
Ancient Agora of Athens Museum
Archaeologcal Exhibition in the METRO Station "Akropolis"
Archaeological Collection in the Athens International Airport
Archaeological Museum of Brauron
Archaeological Museum of Brauron
Archaeological Museum of Brauron