© Ministry of Culture and Sports
Aerial view of the central site of the settlement
The ancient settlement has a strong, natural polygonal wall, the perimeter of which, including the cliff on the east, is almost 2,500 metres. During the period of its flourishing, the urban population was about 6.000 inhabitants. The walls have a monumental shape as they are supported with towers and their height reach the 2-3 m. Gitana were built on an organized urban plan and road network, which was based on a grid with parallel roads, 4-6m wide that are vertically traversed by 2-3m wide roads. Particularly the settlement ran through from the SW to the NE three big roads, while a forth one leads out of the walls in the theatre area. The partition wall, with a total length of 315m, divides the ancient settlement into two residential sectors, eastern and western. The western sector, inside the partition, has a total expanse of 50 acres and as the extensive stratum of devastation testifies, in that sector big part of public and religious life of the city was developing. The agora of ancient city, was a place of gathering and commercial centre. It was defined, northbound by a stoa complex, having adopted a type common in western Greece, with the side walls partially extending the facade. The stoa is 76m. A row of 26 Doric columns on the facade and 14 Ionian columns inside the building supported the roof, creating an ample housed area and offering shelter against the rain and the sun for people in the agora. The extravagant way of living of the inhabitants, almost before the devastation in 2nd BC century, is reflected in the quality of the excavated public buildings. Inside the walls is well-defined the lower sector of the ancient buildings.

In the S/SW side of the settlement there was a small temple the external dimensions of which were 13 x7m.The small size, the simple orthogonal ground plan with the two space division into an antetemple and a cella, along with the lack of a perimeter colonnade are the usual characteristics of the temple constructions of the Hellenistic period in Epirus.

Building A, the Prytaneion, 41 x 31m large, has a public character as the discovery of 3.000 clay sealings in the inside confirms. Three symposium rooms were excavated, decorated with a mosaic floor covering their entire surface. A frame decorated with a spiral and a reticulated pattern surrounds a partitioning of white and black tesserae, with the forms of five dolphins, four of which occupy the corners. The excavation has brought to light bronze statuettes and fulcrum of settees. Also very important was the number-178 coins- of bronze coins of the Epirotic Koinon (234 - 168 BC).

Outside the west part of the walls there is the Theater which has a space for 4.000 - 5.000 audience. Excavation has revealed most of the koilon formed on a rocky bank, the orchestra and part of the stage.
Lambrou Vasiliki, Archaeologist
Lazou Theodora, Historian-Archaeologist