| Description | | Exhibits |

The Sculpture Collection

The impressive scene depicts the deceased Aristonautes, almost in the round, ready to attact the enemy
Funerary stele of Aristonautes

This stele is considered as a landmark in the history of funerary monuments, since it marks the end of the Classical period. It is shaped like a small temple with pediment and architrave atop a massive pedestal. The inscription on the architrave states the name, patronym and origin of the deceased: Aristonautes, son of Archenautes, from Halai. Aristonautes is represented almost in the round inside the temple. He is dressed for battle in a short chiton, corselet, helmet and himation, which billows behind him, as he strides towards the enemy. As his head turned to face the viewer, his eyes must have made quite an impression. This stele is the work of an unkown artist from an Attic workshop, which applied the new ways of expression that mark the transition from Classical to Hellenistic sculpture and recall works of the sculptor Skopas.

Inscription:   Aριστοναύτης Aρχεναύτου Aλαιεύς (translation: Aristonautes, son of Archenautes, from Halai).
Exhibit Features
Date: Classical period, 320 B.C.
Place of discovery: Athens, Kerameikos cemetery
Dimensions: length: 2 m (base), width: 1,55 m, height: 2,48 m, base height: 0,39 m
Material: pentelic marble, marble from Ymittos
Inventory number: 738
Exhibition hole: Exhibition hall 28
  Suggestive Bibliography
Πιττάκης Κ.Σ., "Νεκρικαί Επιγραφαί", ΑΕ, (1826), σ. 21, αρ. 40, σ.35, πίν Η' Α-Β
von Salis A., Das Grabmal des Aristonautes, 84. Berliner Winckelmannsprogramm, Berlin, 1926
Moreno P., Scultura ellenistica I, Ρώμη, 1994, σσ. 85-90, εικ. 104
Καλτσάς Ν., Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο. Τα Γλυπτά, Αθήνα, 2001, σσ. 204-205, αρ. 410