© Ministry of Culture and Sports, © 14th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities
External view of the Archaeological Collection of Elateia
The archaeological collection of Elatia includes findings from excavations in western Lokris, called northeastern Phokis in ancient times. In that area, along the Kifissos river basin, thirteen towns where situated, Erochos, Charadra, Lilea, Tithronion, Drimea, Amfiklia, Tritis, Pediis, Neonas, Tithorea, Elatia, Ledon and Parapotamii. On the eastern side, near Opountia Lokris border, there are cities of Yampolis and Avai, wlile close to the Boeotian border lied the towns of Davlia, Panopeus and Amvrossos. Amongst all towns of Fhokis, Elatia seems to have been the most influential over the ancient times, apparently due to its location and its role as a link in the trading route between Thermopylae and Chaeronea. The data available regarding the geometric and archaic periods are very few. However, the appears to be thriving during Hellenistic and Roman periods. It is considered to have been the largest town in Phokis at the time. In the entrance hall, memorial columns, inscriptions, parts of sculptures and architectural fragments are on sisplay, mainly coming from Elatia and the excavation at the temple of Kranaia Athena. The big room hosts findings whose dating varies from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Submycenaean period and which were uncovered at various sites in western Lokris. The aim of the presentation is the contact of the visitor with the items in their utilitarian place, utensils, tools, figurines and jewelry. In the room there is a model of the plan of a Neolithic house and a Mycenaean domed grave with human skeletal material and memorial artifacts found in the excavation at the local ancient cemeteries. Findings of significant importance include the four - legged vessels from Elatia and a pair of bronze knifes from Ayia marina, which are dated back to the Neolithic period. Also a early Helladic jug from Ayia Marina and a vessel of peculiar shape featuring matt-painting decoration which was established as a sign on the middle Helladic tumulus at Elatia. Room B includes findings of historical periods. Case I, hand -made and wheel-made vessels, bronze jewerly of the Early Iron period from cemeteries of Elatia, Panagitsa and Modi. Cases II and III include pottery of the Archaic and Classical periods, mainly made in Boeotia and which were found in cemeteries in Avai, Elatia and Panagitsa. Case IV exhibits clay figurines of the Archaic until Hllenistic periods, mainly made in Boeotia, found at Avai. Case V findings from older and recent excavations at the temple of Kranaia Athena, such as clay simai, antefixes, iron and clay votives, parts of marble statuettes. Case VI includes female protome and theatrical masks made of clay, from cemeteries of Avai, Elatia and Tithorea. Case VII include pottery of the Hellenistic and Roman periods from various sites in western Lokris, mainly from the cemeteries of Avai and Elatia. An arevalloid lekythos stands out, featuring a drawing of Eros and Venus. In the room there are models of a protogeometrical pithos and a larnax made of poros with the dead bodies and the memorial offerings integrated in the burial enviroment, wlile around the room clay architectural fragments of various periods are exhibited, found at the temples of Kranaia Athena in Elatia and Apollo in Kalapodi.
Eleni Zachou, archaeologist