Administrative Information
Alifeira (Prefecture of Ilia)
See archeological site information
Suggestive Bibliography
Παπαχατζής Ν., Παυσανίου Ελλάδος περιήγησις: Αχαϊκά και Αρκαδικά, Αθήνα 1980, σσ. 284-285
Jost M., Sanctuaires et cultes d'Arcadie, Παρίσι 1985, 70-81
Ορλάνδος Α. Κ., Η Αρκαδική Αλίφειρα και τα Μνημεία της, Αθήνα χ.χ., σσ. 43-168
See also
Other monuments and museums in the same prefecture
Altar of Hera at Olympia
Altar of Zeus at Olympia
Ancient Agora (forum) at Ilis
Ancient gymnasium of Olympia
Ancient Olympia Old Museum
Ancient stadium of Olympia
Ancient theatre at Elis
Ano Moni
Apollon Public Theatre at Pyrgos
Archaeological Museum of Elis