Administrative Information

Farsala (Prefecture of Larisa)

  Suggestive Bibliography
Γιαννόπουλος, Ν., Φαρσάλου ?ντρον ?πιγεγραμμένον, Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίδα 1919, 48-59
Connor, W.R., Seized by the Nymphs: Nympholepsy and symbolic expression in Classical Greece, Classical Antiquity 7 1988, 162
Decourt, J.P., Inscriptions de Thessalie I. Les cites de la vallee de l’ Enipeus 1995, 90-94
Gorrini, M.E., Healing Heroes in Thessaly: Chiron the Centaur, Βόλος 2006, 285
Wagman, R.S., Building for the Nymphs, The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 61, No. December 2011, 748-751
See also
Other monuments and museums in the same prefecture
Ancient Theatre A of Larissa
Ancient Theatre B of Larissa
Basilica of Saint Achillios in Larissa
Church of Panagia Pythiou
Church of the Dormition at Aetolofos of Agia
Church of Transfiguration in Dolichi of Elassona
Diachronic Museum of Larissa
Folklore and Historical Museum of Larisa
Georgios Schwartz mansion at Ampelakia
Georgios Schwartz mansion in Ampelakia of Thessaly