General view of the archaeological site, with the cemetery on the foreground and the settlement hill on the background.
The mycenaean settlement at Voundeni is one of the most prominent sites in the so-called periphery of the mycenaean world. Excavations in the cemetery and the settlement have established that human presence here for almost 500 years (1500-1000 B.C.).Voundeni and the hill called Bortzi in particular meet all the essential conditions for the founding and the survival of a settlement over a long period of time.The settlement at Voundeni had access to fertile stretches of land on the surrounding plains and the upland areas, such that could provide self-sufficiency to the population. Substantial arable areas were exploited along the coastal zone, while the slopes of Mt. Panachaikon were suitable for grazing, hunting as well as woodcutting, both for house construction and shipbuilding purposes.Voundeni’s cemetery lies southeast of the settlement, at the localities called Agrapidia and Amygdalia. It occupies an area of 1.8 hectares, organized in a series of successive 2-4m. high plateaus and covering the full extend of the soft bedrock. N. Kyparissis was the first to investigate the site in 1923, having excavated a small number of tombs at Agrapidia. Research continued on a systematic basis by L. Kolonas during the periods 1988-1994 and 2004-2007, resulting in the excavation of 75 tombs at Amygdalia. The tombs date between the LH IIB and LH IIIC periods (1500-1050 B.C.), while some of them were still used into the succeeding sub-mycenaean period (ca. 1000 B.C.).