Administrative Information

Official Unit:
Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens

Athens (Prefecture of Attiki)

Full: €6, Reduced: €3
Special ticket package: Full: €30, Reduced: €15

As of November 5th, opening hours are as follows: 08:00 - 15:00 (last admission: 14:30)

  Suggestive Bibliography
Penrose F.C., "Excavations in Greece", JHS 8 1887, 272-273
Penrose F.C., Principles of the Athenian Architecture, London 1888, 74-87
Welter G., "Das Olympieion in Athen", AM 47 1922, 61-74
Stuart J., Revett N., The antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece 1922, III Chapt.II,11
Welter G., "Das Olympieion in Athen", AM 48 1923, 182-189
Wycherley R., "The Olympieion at Athens", GRBS 5 1964, 161
Travlos I., Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, London 1971, 402 ê.å.
Willers D., Hadrians Panhellenisches Programm, Basel 1990, 26 ê.å.
Tolle-Kastenbein R., Das Olympieion in Athen 1994
See also
Other museums and archaeological sites in the same prefecture
Acropolis Museum
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis Western Hills
Aghia Triada, Megara (today Neo Meli)
Amphiareio, Oropos
Ancient Agora Museum-Stoa of Attalos
Ancient Agora of Athens Museum