© Ministry of Culture and Sports
View of the acropolis with towers I and II
The castle of Servia flourished between the 10th and 13th centuries. It belonged to the general system of fortification and protection of the Byzantine Empire and faced all kind of attacks for many centuries. The Castle of Servia was known as "Mystras of Macedonia?? due to its similarity to the castle of the Morea and because of the great strategic and geographical importance. It was built between 560-630 AD when Justinian or Heraclius was emperor.

The castle of Servia is divided into three parts: the Lower Town, Upper Town and the Citadel. This division gave the opportunity to the defenders of the castle to retreat towards the highest position which was the citadel. In the Lower Town farmers and laborers used to live, while in the Upper Town the middle class lived and in the Citadel the military commander.

The Lower Town covers 75 quarters of an acre. There, ruins of the walls, of houses and churches and the central gate of the Castle are preserved. The wall paintings of three churches are preserved in the Upper Town while in the Citadel the walls and the towers need restoration.
Tsiapali Maria, archaeologist