Administrative Information

Official Unit:
Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens

Vas. Olgas, Athens (Prefecture of Attiki)

Telephone: +30 210 9226330
Email: efaath@culture.gr

Full: €8, Reduced: €4
Valid for the Olympieio archaeological site. Tickets are available at ticket offices on site as well as online.
From November 1st to March 30th (01/11-31/03) of each year, reduced rates apply exclusively to single-use tickets for all archaeological sites and museums belonging to the State
Special ticket package: Full: €30, Reduced: €-
Valid for 5 days.
NOTE: As of July 1st 2019, reduced combined tickets will no longer be issued. Reduced combined tickets issued before this date which have not been used, remain valid.
In order to purchase tickets online visit the official e-ticketing service of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports at www.etickets.tap.gr
Valid for: Acropolis of Athens, Ancient Agora of Athens Museum, Ancient Agora of Athens- Areios Pagos, Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos, Hadrian's Library, Kerameikos, Lykeion Archaeological Site, North slope of the Acropolis, Olympieio, Roman Agora of Athens, South Slope of Acropolis
Free admission days
6 March (in memory of Melina Mercouri)
18 April (International Monuments Day)
18 May (International Museums Day)
The last weekend of September annually (European Heritage Days)
28 October
Free admission for:
For information about free and reduced admission to Greek State Archaeological Sites, Monuments and Museums please press here

Last entrance 14:30

08:00 – 20:00 Last entrance: 19:30

On the 1st of September 2022 the opening hours apply, due to a gradual reduction in the length of the day, as follows:
1st to 15th September 08:00 - 19:30
Last entrance to the Site at 19:10,
16th to 30th September 08:00 - 19:00
Last entrance to the Site at 18:40,
1st to 15th October 08:00 - 18:30
Last entrance to the Site at 18:10 and
16th to 30th October 08:00 - 18:00
Last entrance to the Site at 17:40.

Due to 24 hour General Strike tomorrow, Friday 28th of February 2025, we inform you that the archaeological site of Olympieio will remain closed all day. OPERATING RULES Please be informed that the following is strictly prohibited: Law 4858/2021 (Official Government Gazette 220/Α/19-11-2021) & Ministry of Culture’ s Decisions (Official Government Gazette 88/Β/23-1-2004 & 3320/Β/18-5-2023) - entrance to people under the influence of substances (intoxicants, narcotics etc.), - to behave, dress or act in a way not compatible with the nature of the archaeological site/museum, - to collect, remove or damage any kind of object, including ancient and contemporary works of art, as well as any natural item, - to produce litter of any kind, - to consume food or beverages, - to smoke, - the photography/videography of indecent or defamatory scenes, - entrance to pets, except for dogs accompanying people with disabilities (the prohibition only applies to the Acropolis and its Slopes, to the Kerameikos as well as to the Museums). Furthermore, visitors and guides are kindly requested: - to comply with the instructions and indications of the security quards, - to follow the signs, walk along marked routes and avoid entering restricted areas, - not to touch any work of art, - to be very careful whilst being near areas of high risk or areas where works are in progress. For the archaeological sites, it is recommended to use footwear suitable for walking. Non-compliance with the above rules can lead to the eviction of recalcitrant visitors.

1 January: closed
25 March: closed
1 May: closed
Easter Sunday: closed
25 December: closed
26 December: closed
  Amenities for the physically challenged
The archaeological site is accessible to people with physical disabilities. Accessible toilets are available.
The Archaeological Site of Olympieio is wheelchair accessible at its largest part through the main entrance, Vassilisis Olgas Av. (assistance by a companion is recommended).
There are also toilets for individuals with disabilities at the site.
Tactile site plans and brochures in Braille in Greek and English for visually impaired visitors are available at the ticket office.
Metro, bus, Tram
Entrance: Vassilisis Olgas Av.
  Suggestive Bibliography
Ρουσόπουλος Α., "Ο περίβολος του Αθήνησιν Ολυμπιείου", ΑΕ 1862, 26-35
Σκίας Α., "Περί της εν τη κοίτη του Ιλισσού ανασκαφής", ΠΑΕ 1893, 111-136
Τραυλός Ι., "Ανασκαφικαί έρευναι παρά το Ολυμπιείον", ΠΑΕ 1949, 25-43
Κόκκου Α., "Αδριάνεια έργα εις τας Αθήνας, Μελέται", ΑΔ 25 (1970), 150-173, πίν. 47-56
Travlos I., Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, London 1971, 83-90 , 158-179 , 253-257, 335-339 , 429-431
Willers D., Hadrians Panhellenisches Programm, Basel 1990, 54-67
See also
Other museums and archaeological sites in the same prefecture
Acropolis Museum
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis Western Hills
Aghia Triada, Megara (today Neo Meli)
Amphiareio, Oropos
Ancient Agora Museum-Stoa of Attalos
Ancient Agora of Athens Museum