| Description | | Exhibits |

Permanent exhibition of the Galaxidi Archaeological Collection

Red figured pelike of the early classical period
The permanent exhibition of the Archaeological Collection of Galaxidi comprises over 300 objects from private donations and from rescue excavations of the Tenth Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. Despite their relatively limited number they span a long chronological period, from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. A two-handled Early Helladic amphora, a red-figure pelike, a glass vase inscribed ΕΥΦΡΑΙΝΟΥ ΕΦΩ ΠΑΡΕΙ and a bronze diadem are especially noteworthy.

The exhibition is organized thematically as most of the objects are fairly common and a chronological presentation would fail to illustrate the history of the region. The different subject units were determined both by the nature of the exhibits and Galaxidi's nautical tradition. Panels explaining the topography and habitation of the area complete the display.
A. Tsaroucha, archaeologist

Exhibition Units
- Everyday life
This unit presents objects related to clothing, grooming, diet, lighting and worship, such as jewellery, lamps, bronze mirrors, figurines and terracotta and glass vases.

- Commerce and maritime activities
Obsidian tools, imported vases from Attic and Corinthian workshops, pointed-bottom amphorae and coins comprise this unit.

- Cemeteries
This unit comprises funerary stelai and grave gifts from the town's cemeteries.

Tuesday -Sunday 9.00-16.00. Monday closed.

Ολόκληρο: €3, Μειωμένο: €1,5
Special ticket package:
Ολόκληρο: €3, Μειωμένο: €1,5