| Description | | Exhibits |

The Sculpture Collection

Deceased Hegeso is depicted sitting on the right while pick a jewel from her young servant
Funerary stele of Hegeso

This is one of the finest Attic grave stele of the Classical period and an exquisite example of the so-called Rich Style. It is shaped like a small temple, crowned by a pediment with palmette akroteria. The horizontal cornice bears the name of the deceased: Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos. The Athenian lady is depicted sitting on an elegant chair, her feet resting on a footstool. She wears a chiton, a himation and a transparent headdress. She picks a jewel (which was probably painted on the stele) from the open pyxis (jewelry box), which her young servent, standing ooposite, extends. The slave wears the long-sleeved barbarian dress and a snood on her head. Traces of blue color are visible on the background. The sadness on the women΄s faces has a remarkable impact. The stele was probably executed by a skilled artist, possibly Kallimachos.

Exhibit Features
Date: Classical period, 410-400 π.Χ. B.C.
Place of discovery: Athens, Athens, cemetery of Kerameikos
Dimensions: width: 0,97 m, height: 1,56 m
Material: pentelic marble
Inventory number: 3624
Exhibition hole: Exhibition hall 18
  Suggestive Bibliography
Conze A., Die Attischen Grabreliefs I, Berlin, 1893, σ. 21, αρ. 68, πίν. 30
Καρούζου Σ., Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικόν Μουσείον. Συλλογή Γλυπτών: περιγραφικός κατάλογος, Αθήνα, 1967, σσ. 77-78, πίν. 32
Thimme J., "Die Stele der Hegeso als Zeugnis des attischen Grabkultus", AK 7, Αθήνα, (1969), σσ. 16-29, πίν. 4
Schmaltz B., Griechische Grabreliefs, Darmstadt, 1983, σσ. 1-18, 20, 71, 126
Καλτσάς Ν., Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο. Τα Γλυπτά, Αθήνα, 2001, σ. 156, αρ. 309