Sanctuary of the Great Gods
View from the Southwest of the limestone substructure which supported the Propylon of Ptolemy II (285-281 B.C.) with the barrel-vaulted tunnel.
The Hieron (325-150 B.C.) from the South.
Rotunda of Arsinoe II (288-270 B.C.); a parapet of the reconstructed exterior stoa decorated with bucranes and a rosette.
Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace. General Site Plan, Actual State. Colour differences indicate the phases of development of the sanctuary (light blue = late 5th c. B.C. – 1st half of the 4th c. B.C., dark blue = 2nd half of the 4th c. B.C., green = 3rd c. B.C., brown = 2nd-1st c. B.C., red = 1st-2nd c. A.D., yellow = Medieval period). 1-3. Unidentified late Hellenistic buildings; 4. Unfinished early Hellenistic building; 5. Byzantine fort; 6. Milesian Dedication; 7. Dining rooms; 8, 10. Rooms adjacent to the Theater; 9. Archaistic niche; 11. Stoa; 12. Nike Monument; 13. Theater; 14. Altar Court; 15. Hieron; 16. Hall of Votive Gifts; 17. Hall of Choral Dancers; 18. Stepped Retaining Wall; 19. Sacred Rock; 20. Rotunda of Arsinoe II; 21. Orthostate Structure; 22. Sacristy; 23. ‘Anaktoron’; 24. Dedication of Philip III and Alexander IV; 25. Theatral Circle; 26. Propylon of Ptolemy II; 27. Southern Necropolis; 28. Doric Rotunda; 29. Neorion; 30. Dining room; 31. Imperial shrine or dining facility; 32. ‘Protoanaktoron’; 33. Ionic Porch
The Stoa
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