| Description | | Exhibits |

Permanent exhibition of Diachronic Museum of Larisa

Model of a neolithic house with 8 human idols
Model of a house

A particularly impressive terracotta model of a house. It is preserved almost intact with only a few spots chipped off on the upper part of the walls. The model represents a rectangular building placed on top of a thick and flat base. It has no roof while the walls are low and irregular. The entrance is located in the middle of one of the long sides of the house. A barrel vaulted baking oven is located at the back of the house, nearly across the entrance. Next to it, at the right corner of the house, there is a rectangular “platform”. Inside the house model are eight movable anthropomorphic terracotta figurines along with two unidentified terracotta objects. The first object, which was found between the oven and the “platform”, is most likely a pestle, while the other one, which was found in front of the oven, is possibly a loaf of bread. The eight figurines placed inside the house probably represent the members of the family. The two older figures lying on the “platform” are possibly the grandparents, whereas the couple standing on the right side of the entrance may be the younger couple. The small figurine near the young woman's shoulder may be the baby of the family, while the other three small figurines, two female and one male, placed one next to each other on the right corner of the house may be the youngest members of the family. The model was found underneath the floor of a house in Platia Magoula in Zarkos and it was most likely an offering for the safe keeping of the house.

Exhibit Features
Date: Neolithic Age, Late Neolithic I, 5300 - 4800 BC
Place of discovery: Trikala, Platia Magoula Zarkou
Dimensions: length: 0,17 m, width: 0,15 m, height: 0,052 m
Material: Clay
Inventory number: ΜΛΠΜ2.619
Copyright: Hellenic Ministry of Culture
  Suggestive Bibliography
Gallis K., "A Late Neolithic Foundation Offering from Thessaly", Antiquity 59, (1985), 20-24
Παπαθανασόπουλος Γ., Νεολιθικός πολιτισμός στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα, 1996, 329 αρ. 266